NAA Mourns the Passing and Celebrates the Legacy of NAA Founding Board Member Jorge Castro April 2015
It is with profound sadness that we share with you the passing of our dear NAA founding board member Jorge Castro. Should anyone wish to honor Jorge's memory, he requested that in recognition of the outstanding care he received at the City of Hope that, in lieu of flowers, contributions be made to: City of Hope, Attention Joe Komsky, 1500 E. Duarte Road, Duarte, CA 91010. Please put "In Memory of George G. Castro" in the memo field. We knew Jorge as a brother to Tom, a husband to Nancy, a father to Dominic, a finance industry master mind, a bridge to new generations, a friend. Jorge will forever be missed, remembered and loved. Que en paz descanse. |
Here are some heartfelt messages from NAA family members:
It is a sad day that marks the passing of our colleague. I will always treasure Jorge Castro's contributions to our community and to our cause. I join each and everyone of you in celebrating his life. – Raul Yzaguirre, NAA Co-Founder
I was always enlightened, enriched, motivated, and energized during my visits with Jorge. He will be missed in the NAA family, in the family of friends, and in the family of the Latino community. He contributed so much for the betterment of all of these families. We will be forever indebted to Jorge for all of his contributions. We will miss you, Jorge. Hasta luego. - Frank Herrera, Jr, NAA Chair of the Board
I am truly saddened with the passing of our friend and colleague Jorge Castro. I remember in the beginning days of the NAA the many meetings and long discussions Jorge and I had exploring ideas which could help build a stronger Latino community - these talks were the genesis for us launching the NAA Wall Street Summit. During the NAA board of directors meeting in San Antonio, Texas November 2000, with Jorge's support as my Economic Capital Committee Co-Chair and his encouragement to Think Big, Be Bold, Think Out Of The Box, we presented the idea of Latinos convening in Wall Street and our vision of how this could help NAA build new pathways to opportunity. This led to the launch the NAA Wall Street Summit in 2001, which for 15 years has helped build a stronger Latino community. Thank you Jorge for your leadership, your belief in our vision, and most of all your friendship.My deepest condolences to Jorge's immediate family, his brother Tom, his wife Nancy and son Dominic. - Frank Sanchez, NAA Founding Board Member
Jorge Castro has led the way for us all. His journey has just started, joining our ancestors on whose shoulders we all stand. As we mourn his loss in our daily lives it is also a time to celebrate his contributions to his family, us and our collective mission - the well being of our people and country. We all will follow his path. We now know he will be there as he has always been to greet us and guide us. Jorge lives in our lives forever. - Moctesuma Esparza, NAA Founding Board Member
Let me join the chorus of condolences directed to Jorge's immediate family, to his brother Tom and to the entire Castro family. This is truly a tragic loss to every life, every institution and every organization Jorge ever touched. I will miss his infectious smile, unfettered friendship and counsel. For more than a decade we shared a common greeting of AHA! at every NAA gathering. Those fond memories will always remain. - Manny Sanchez, Esq., NAA Founding Board Member
It is with deep sadness that I learn of the passing of Jorge Castro. I remember vividly the many meetings with him when we were initiating the NAA, the long discussions and the passion of Jorge for building a Strong Latino Community. Jorge will always be missed. Que Dios le de paz. Te extrañaremos por toda la vida. - Alejandro Silva, NAA Founding Board Member
Our hearts are very heavy due to the loss of Jorge. I met Jorge in the early 90's when we were both starting our firms. He was a mentor and friend always. We need to honor his life by living through his example, always helping others to climb the wall of success, always willing to speak up on issues he felt strongly about. His love of his family and his pride of who he was and where he came from was always so important to him. I will miss his wisdom and his friendship. I send my prayers to his wife and son. I now there is no comfort for the loss of a husband, father, brother. But they should know that Jorge made a big difference in this world and in all of our lives. Los acompañamos en su dolor. - Tere Alvarez Canida, NAA Board Member
All of us mourn Jorge's untimely passing. At Yale he learned "yes, you can do it". He personalized what hard work, dedication and commitment can accomplish. He will be remembered and all we can wish is that he rests in peace and that his family will find comfort in the good memories he leaves behind. - Luis Maizel, NAA Member
Jorge was one of the best friends I ever had. We were classmates in the Princeton University Class of 1979. Yes, I knew Jorge for 40 years. We were rebels at school, protesting the University's investment in multi national companies that did business in South Africa. We were chronicled in the NY Times as the Marching Tigers of Princeton because we marched for 100 days outside of Princeton's administration building, Nassau Hall. We went to jail together. He was my brother. We had a vision of "black and brown together". Preserving this ideal; focusing on the things that unite our communities and not those that divide us, was our promise to each other when he passed on. I rekindled my friendship with Jorge at the NAA's 2nd Annual Wall Street Conference and am proud to be the longest running Black member of NAA and a 100K Club $100,000+ contributor. A Luta Continua. Black and Brown together forever. - Leslie Bond, Jr, NAA Associate Member
About 2 months ago Jorge and I had a long and profound conversation about our industry and the future of Hispanic investment managers. We talked about the early days of NAA, what we need to do in the years ahead. We talked about the need to accelerate our progress, about the need to be much more cooperative and strategic to one another, the need to get to scale and create alliances, his deep desire to continue to nurture Hispanic investment talent. Jorge was an inspiration, a leader, a friend, an ally. I will miss him dearly. I will forever admire his trajectory as a true industry pioneer who elevated his firm to the highest standards, who always wanted to be of service, to be part of the solution, to teach, to inspire, to bring others along. We have lost a great General in our battle. I will mourn you with great sadness, with deep sorrow, and will do my best to carry the wonderful lessons you taught me through 14 years of friendship, industry and community leadership. I accompany Jorge's family in their deep sorrow. They will be in my prayers. May good give them solace and hope to carry on their journey.Hasta pronto Jorge. - Monika Mantilla, NAA Board Member
I recall helping Jorge and Fernando Inzunza, his long time partner, by providing lodging at my home in Chicago when they were calling on pension funds in the early years. Jorge would share his dream for an organization very much like NAA and thus it was not a surprise when he helped give it birth. I will miss him very much but know that he will continue to touch lives with his work and legacy and thus he will continue to be very much present in all our lives. Un deseo fuerte de paz para Nancy y Dominic, y a su querido hermano Tom. Que Dios los bendiga! - Victor Arias, NAA Board Member
I will keep the Castro family in my prayers during this time of great sorrow. Jorge was a brilliant man with a quick wit. He will surely be missed by many. - Dorene Dominguez. NAA Board Member
I want to add to the chorus of praise for the life and deeds of Jorge. My family and partners extend our condolences and prayers for his family. - Marcos Rodriguez, NAA Board Member
Jorge was my first mentor in the world of institutional investments after the LA Riots in 1991. I salute him and his mission to help our community. How could we ever replace the Rock Star of our time here. God Bless him, Nancy and Dominic and I hope to see him again in the everlasting life before our Lord. God bless. - Delia Roges, NAA Board Member
Diego and I join you all in our sorrow for the loss of one of our leaders. We had the privilege of meeting Jorge in NYC at the first NAA Wall Street Summit. We recall a very unique characteristic of Jorge ... Even though Jorge could get agitated at meetings for a cause or agenda item you always share a laugh later. He pushed us to see the "bigger picture" and shoot for the moon! He had passion to make a difference. That is leadership. His legacy will hopefully live on in NAA's DNA. May it continue to "think big". Our thoughts and prayers are with his family especially our dearest friend Tom. - Marjorie Torres, NAA Board Member
I recall with gratitude and humility the kind words he told me during my visit to Pasadena when I was still a young buck emerging in the industry. He told me then, "You are very lucky to be so young and entering the industry now when there are others to help you out. When I was on the trading desk at Salomon, you could have thrown a bomb on that floor and not hit one Latino!" Hermano, I will miss your wisdom, guidance and humor. Con mucho cariño, abrazos y lagrimas. - Edward Ramos, NAA Board Member
Jorge was one of our NAA founding board members and the NAA will forever have Jorge's passion and intellect imbedded in its DNA. Jorge embodied the mission of the NAA - building on American Latino success to forge a stronger America for all Americans. I recall many moments with Jorge and will remember him as someone who could never accept the status quo because he was for change and making new roads to opportunity. We knew Jorge as a son, a brother, a husband, a father, a tio, a finance industry master mind, a bridge to new generations, a friend. Jorge will forever be missed, remembered and loved. Que En Paz Descanse. - Maria del Pilar Avila, NAA Chief Executive Officer