Building on
American Latino Success
To Forge A Stronger America


20th Anniversary Celebration

February 27, 2020, 06:00 PM - 11:59pm

The NAA 20th Anniversary Celebration takes place Thursday, February 27, 2020 in San Antonio, Texas. Please join us to celebrate the legacy of accomplishment of the last two decades as we move into our third decade of influence and impact in America.

Please note this event is by invitation and is available on a first-come basis.

Platinum Ticket holders are invited for the Platinum Reception at 6pm.
Gold Ticket holders are invited to the Welcome Reception starting at 7pm, which will be followed by dinner with a spectacular program and reconnecting with long-time friends.


If you are a public pension plan executive, please email [email protected] to enquire about tickets for public pension plan executives.

Hotel Valencia Riverwalk
(This hotel has a very limited number of rooms -- book early!)
(855) 596-3387
150 East Houston Street, San Antonio, TX 78205
To book by phone: State that you are with the New America Alliance.
To book online: Utilize the group block code NE628 to obtain the New America Alliance group rate.

Omni La Mansion del Rio
112 College St, San Antonio, TX 78205
(210) 518-1000

The Westin Riverwalk, San Antonio
420 W Market Street, San Antonio, Texas 78205
(210) 224-6500

February 27, 2020 at 6:00pm - 11:59pm

Showing 3 reactions

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  • nester kynikenow
    commented 2024-08-03 22:58:06 -0700
    Tere sõbrad! Olen juba mõnda aega otsinud usaldusväärset ja kasutajasõbralikku kihlvedude lehekülge ja osutus täpselt selliseks, mida ma vajasin. Mulle avaldas muljet panustamiseks kättesaadavate spordisündmuste lai valik ja taotluste töötlemise kiirus. Melbeti mobiilirakendusest on saanud tõeline elupäästja – see on alati käepärast ja võimaldab mul igal ajal ilma probleemideta panuseid teha. Rakenduse kasutajaliides on selge ja intuitiivne, mis teeb selle kasutamise väga meeldivaks. Üldiselt olen täiesti rahul ja soovitan seda saiti kõigile kihlvedude harrastajatele.
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  • busermo molpey
    commented 2023-07-19 01:08:00 -0700
    I wish you the best of luck with your efforts to reform immigration.


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